intake pressure

intake pressure
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English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "intake pressure" в других словарях:

  • intake pressure sensor — įsiurbiamo oro slėgio jutiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. intake pressure sensor vok. Saugdruckfühler, m rus. датчик давления всасываемого воздуха, m pranc. détecteur de pression d air aspiré, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Intake ramp — An intake ramp is a rectangular, plate like device within the air intake of a jet engine, designed to generate a shock wave to aid the inlet compression process at supersonic speeds. The ramp sits at an acute angle to deflect the intake air from… …   Wikipedia

  • Intake — An intake , or especially for aircraft inlet, is an air intake for an engine. Because the modern internal combustion engine is in essence a powerful air pump, like the exhaust system on an engine, the intake must be carefully engineered and tuned …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure wave supercharger — A pressure wave supercharger (also known as a wave rotor[1]) is a type of supercharger technology that harnesses the pressure waves produced by an internal combustion engine exhaust gas pulses to compress the intake air. Its automotive use is not …   Wikipedia

  • pressure drop — [1] The difference in pressure between two points in the system, usually caused by a restriction device. Specifically the difference in pressure where fuel metering occurs. In electronic injection system, this is the difference between fuel… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • pressure differential sensor — A sensor that reads pressure changes in the intake manifold in relation to barometric pressure. Also called a manifold pressure sensor, manifold vacuum sensor, or vacuum sensor …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • intake pipe — The duct, typically an alloy manifold, between the throttle and cylinder head; the absolute pressure in the induction pipe, the so called intake vacuum, is indicative of engine load and is used to control many engine related functions. The… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio — The Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio (IEPR) is the ratio of the pressure at the core engine exhaust and fan discharge pressure compared to the intake pressure to the gas turbine engine.In some gas turbine engines the engine pressure ratio (EPR)… …   Wikipedia

  • Suction pressure — The term diffusion pressure deficit (DPD) was coined by B.S Meyer in 1938. Originally DPD was described as suction pressure by Renner(1915). It is reduction in the diffusion pressure of water in solution or cell over its pure state due to… …   Wikipedia

  • inlet pressure — i. The total pressure taken in the engine inlet as a measure of air density. This parameter is sent to the fuel control for fuel scheduling. It is normally known as P1 pressure. ii. As it relates to the performance data on pumps, when not… …   Aviation dictionary

  • boost pressure — Pressure in the intake system of a supercharged engine when the supercharger operates. See the first definition of boost …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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